Health Care Insurance Agencies & Brokerages
Primary Health Partners operates under the Direct Primary Care model. Our doctors are equipped to handle about 80-90% of peoples’ needs. Our doctors hope to eliminate the need for urgent care altogether and be there for the everyday events such as taking care of a cold, the flu, wellness exams, diabetes management, stitches, casting placement, and IV fluids. We believe insurance should be used for the catastrophic, major events. Primary Health Partners memberships pair best with a high deductible/catastrophic plan.
Members pay a transparent, monthly membership fee. They do not pay per visit, but per month. On average a visit to an urgent care alone would cost around $150, with a provider who does not have a relationship with the patient. With Primary Health Partners, a patient would pay the subscription cost and could see their provider 1 or 30 times in a month. Their insurance would not be billed for the visits, and this would lead to a decrease in overall claims. In insurance terms, the smaller number of claims made to a plan, the lower the premium will be for the following year.